The Simplicity of [Self Awareness] PT 2

1 year ago

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One gives any-thing power just by consenting to it,
If one ever goes up against a power
that one thinks is greater than one self,
one is going to lose, one is going to be defeated
and its not a thing out there that is going to defeat oneself,
it is one's belief that it is power out there that is going to defeat oneself.

A Dictionary definition of Awareness

Awareness is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, it is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. Another definition describes it as a state wherein a subject is aware of some information when that information is directly available to bring to bear in the direction of a wide range of behavioural actions. The concept is often synonymous to consciousness and is also understood as being consciousness itself.

There is a lot more on the definition of Awareness to be found, but for the purposes of this writing the above will suffice albeit Consciousness/Awareness is not a concept. The main focus here is one's individual awareness, or how one perceives the awareness one seems to use. A simple example of "how" one perceives can be illustrated by the example of, if one were intoxicated through whatever means be that environmental or personally deliberate, one would see one's experience altered due to the intoxication. One may say that the toxin has altered one's awareness from what one perceives as a normal state, awareness has changed, or has it? Or is it the lens one is being aware through that has changed? The body is the tool one uses to be cognizant of one's reality, so in essence one's awareness is bound by the limitations of one's body, to whatever degree one's body may or may not be impaired. This assumption is all based on the assumption that the body is the producer and home of Awareness. If one were to look out from one's eyes one would be aware of all the "things" within one's awareness, body included. So is awareness housed in the body, or the body a "thing", object in awareness one calls by one's favourite name Within One Awareness.
Truth is Simple, It is Single, this is why the dualistic thinking mind cannot comprehend it, if it could it would cease to be, it would cease to have any sense of substance, any validity, any sense of life of its own.

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