The Simplicity of [Self Awareness] PT 1

2 years ago

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The Simplicity of Self Awareness


Part 1

So what is the Point of this Essay….P8
Why Now….P10
The Correct use of Words, in context of Truth v relativity, Duality….P16

Part 2

The Guru….P9
Is Life for sale….P11
The Answer Precludes the question….P13

Part 3

Sense of Separation, Identity v identity….P1
Dream, dreams the dreamer….P7
Guilt and Condemnation….P14

Part 4

Letting Go….P1

Part 5

Breathing Love….P1
Self Healing by Doing Absolutely Nothing….P3


To my Beautiful Children Ricky and Charlotte, for without them I may
never have come to this point. The significance of which, is without them I may never had the opportunity to be a Parent, to have that perspective and to show me
all that has passed my way.
Therefore if what is written in this Essay can be of benefit to any of my "others"
please take it as one's own.

The Simplicity of Self Awareness


I am reading from a series of short essay's I have written of accumulated Understanding over a period of 30 years. Whilst reading or listening to these essay's it is advised that one's attention is not being distracted by other means, i.e. driving a car, or such like. There are many different ways that what I am saying here can be said, this is the way that came to me.
What is said in these essay's is a formula and not a prerequisite for having or acquiring a still mind, I have found it a route I have seemingly taken. Stillness came first, the rest seemed to follow, so in essence these essay's have their foundation 30 years back in a life story. The story is about doing "nothing" and out of that "nothing" Reality appears as All, All of One's Clear Perception, or just Plain Clarity.
As one accepts life experience as one's own the "experiencer" is born and therefore a story one tells and seems to live by. Everyone seems to have a story to tell that one calls one's own life story unaware that the story is not One's True Self and as the story comes to a close, where one seems to die, are then put in a box and disposed of in whatever means with a stone at one's head telling of that story thereby missing the whole point of Being which is to Wake up from the story to One's True Nature which by Virtue of Life is to Recognise that One True Life that One Is.
In this dialogue it is pointed out a Simple journey, not always easy, but Simple, the "thinking mind" has a tendency to make Simple complicated. Whomever one identifies as, is irrelevant, this writing is not about personal identification, it is about one's True Nature, Spirit, Life, Being Identifying as It Self, through the character one calls oneself. As one's perception of a personal sense of self dissolves, over "time" it seems, one seems to give less power to bad as well as good and as a consequence in the "without", one seems to be more neutral. From this perspective one is more effective in Positive change "out there" in the relative scenery, as this forms the bedrock, the light for one's "others" to follow.
In the following there seems a repeating of the same words over and over, not to instil any sense of indoctrination, but to show and state a Fact that has eluded mankind for millennia. Conscious Awareness, God is All there Is, there Is Only Conscious Awareness, God, regardless of appearances. Jesus stated something like, "judge not lest ye be judged, judge not by appearance, but judge by the Seeing of the I". Yet man judges by the seeing of the optical eye to what he "thinks he sees with dualistic vision" is correct, right as opposed to wrong, then man suffers from that judgement.

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