105 Kgs x 4 PAUSED Bench Press. New PR!

1 year ago

I decided to go back to paused benching, cuz I am a moron, and Touch N' Go seems to have diminishing returns for me, in terms of rep performance/quality. So I may get less reps sometimes, but if I get stronger overall, it should be worth it, right? I really wanted to get five reps today, but that was absolute highest hopes, and I didn't think it was in the cards today, as my shoulders felt a bit achy, and I need to get back in the swing a bit with pausing, after not doing it for a few weeks. I was initially a bit bummed that I only got four reps, but in hindsight, this is the same amount of reps that I hit with this weight using Touch N' Go, and also the same amount I hit with 102.5 Kgs last cycle. So all in all, this does seem to be some improvement/PR. The last two reps were a little short in the pauses for my liking, but it does get pretty difficult to get good long pauses with heigher weights and reps. I'll keep at it! One day, I will have a bench to be proud of.

Song: "Death Blooms" - Mudvayne

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