2 years ago

Being aware of the happenings of the world is increasingly frustrating as the gaslighting has now reached overdrive and every gullible clams casino is lapping it up and looking the other way.

Most people feel so warm and fuzzy shrouded in fake virtue that they can't even see the adverse effects their passive approach to reality has on others.

Everyone feels so good about what the powerful are doing on their behalf but fail to look at the RESULTS.

We've got Prez Green T-Shirt begging for cash on the stock market, free cash getting shipped over by the cargo load, no journalists living on actual Earth and Newsolini trying to pay fast food workers $22 an hour. Most people fail to understand the basics of how bad policies ruin everything, but they feel nice and virtuous from their ivory tower while everybody else gets clapped.

People can barely see why bacon is $500 a slice, let alone understand how the elite is stealing everything they've ever had. Good times.

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