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BYU Needs to be Dismantled

2 years ago

This is just on the second floor of the sociology department at BYU. Why is BYU still being funded? How are they still being funded? They have turned into a leftist propaganda marxist machine.


  • 0/2000
  • If they can’t dismantle it, they need to refund all the tuition of any sociology major and then shut down that college. Let the other colleges know that the same thing will happen to them if they have any of this crap going on in their colleges.

  • This is not a new problem. BYU has had issues for over a century now. Boyd K. Packer gave a powerful talk in 1995 that has pointed fingers at some key players that go back to 1910. https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/boyd-k-packer/snow-white-birds/ The church always had tares among the wheat and wolves among the sheep. In like manner, Satan has had his grip on BYU. I don't know why the church has chosen to keep the university in operation. Still leaders have counseled parents to be close to their children and know what is going on with their education so they can be of good influence to them. Students are being tested on what is good and what is evil and too many of them are failing the test. Before anyone enrolls at any church school, I recommend they read these resources from the Joseph Smith Foundation. https://josephsmithfoundation.org/store/product/answers-for-faith-crisis-bundle-70-100-value/

  • I can’t pay my tithing as long as the church is afraid to stand up for truth. It seems like everywhere I turn they are falling all over themselves to be seen of the world. This last two years was beyond reprehensible. The posture themselves as advocates to make sure every member becomes a good global citizen by following every single thing advanced by the international medical crime syndicate. Didn’t didn’t just recommend the shots they connected it to your level of spirituality and whether you cared about other people or not, if you were Christlike or not, whether you believe Nelson was a prophet or not and members were shamed, coerced, and pressured to support lockdowns, medical rape, masking little kids and even getting them injected with pointless substances that caused harm. I always dislike that they have a ton of money put into these Pharma entities but it’s not acceptable after they all colluded together to erase individual liberty and put us all in some sort of Stockholm syndrome telling us to thank them for saving our lives with following these idols that did nothing of the sort. The Wii urge letter from last year‘s said “ The only protection“ comes from the injection and if the majority of the population gets it. They had no idea that the injection was never capable of making the recipient more safe to be around. It didn’t give a person immunity nor did it stop them from spreading it to others therefore it was a treatment and not capable of benefiting the community at large. The church ignored the fact that 2/3 of the population already had natural immunity. Do you think the church would start a stark contrast from the world so we could strengthen our base but instead they’re trying to be woke while throwing some bones for conservatives to knaw On once in a while to make us feel like they are still supporting the Constitution and our cars. But when rubber hit the road they stand against constitution and SCOTUS on mandates. Yuck . Reformation!

  • The school bends over backward to not offend anyone and is becoming more woke every day. The whole mess with the Duke volleyball team is a perfect example. It was a hoax, but before the facts came out, BYU was banning people, shutting down the student section and groveling and punishing itself. Absolutely disgusting! The administration needs to clean house, otherwise, the school will be indistinguishable from any other university - a liberal utopia!

  • Why is BYU hiring teachers that teach this garbage?

  • Two professors with no political agenda. The rest all trying to outdo each other in virtue signaling. Where do they get all their matching posters?

  • It’s time the members wake up to the truth about the Church and it’s leaders. When the truth of things they are involved in and part of get exposed it’s going to rock the members to the core. If you are willing to challenge your cognitive dissonance and use your critical thinking skills and do the research you will conclude have been corrupted to the core and are involved in very nefarious things. The way they protect pedophiles is just the top of the iceberg. Why have they had relations with the Pope if they are prophets, seers and revolators? Where’s there discernment to know what had gone on so long in the Catholic Church and that there God is actually Baal, mollach, Satan Time for the Mormons to wake up and see they have been brainwashed the same way MSM brainwashed the public.

  • Holy Cow!!! It's everywhere along those halls. Eric I wanted you to slow down so that I could read some of the BS those professors posted on their doors and walls. This Marxist propaganda is coming from every where in our society. Yes BYU should be overhauled but it won't be they are entrenched.

  • Yup with a trans man show in the park claiming that they all graduated from BYU or some of them have. Not family friendly

  • BYU and the Deseret News seem to have become infiltrated with sadly sometimes well-meaning and very mislead and confused folks. This has all been prophesied even the very elect shall be deceived.

  • When church members valiantly find excuses for church leaders and feel offended when church leaders and their actions are being questioned, they have set church leaders above or equal to God and Jesus Christ for God takes NO offense when His very existence and love for all men are being questioned.

    1 like
  • Christianity for years has attempted to establish Zion. Tried to live the law of consecration, but they cannot. Zion cannot truly be established without the law of consecration, and the law of consecration cannot be truly established without Zion. So, we live lesser laws that we bicker with... Christianity is closer to socialism than capitalism, so what are you selling? Stop funding BYU? Are you out of your living mind? Have you lost your testimony?