Are Carbs Bad For You?... ...How to pick the right carbs?

8 years ago

A quick rundown on what you need to know about eating carbs. Should they be a part of your diet. Should you avoid carbs. Find out here.

The Atkins diets told us we should not be eating carbs. However, vegetarians seem to like diets high in carbs and low in protein. So, who is right?

Well, it all boils down to what kind of carbs you eat. Bad carbs are very bad for you. While good carbs are very good for you. The Atkins people saw the damage bad carbs can do for you and just eliminated them altogether to avoid those problems. However, they threw the baby out with the bath water.
So, what are carbs? Well, to avoid lengthy scientific discussion, just think of carbs that readily turn into sugar in the blood stream. Common Carbs are grains and bread, starches and potatoes, sugar and fruit.
So what are bad carbs? Bad carbs consist of Sugar, White Bread, White Rice, and White Potatoes. These items have a very high glycemic value and turn to sugar almost instantly in the body. When something is converted quickly to sugar, it creates a sugar spike in the blood stream. In response to a sugar spike, you body produces insulin to counter it. Because you received a sudden spike in sugar, your body cannot convert it all to energy, so the insulin converts it to fat for future use. Now, the insulin converts it to fat so fast, your brain notices a sudden sugar drop. This triggers the brain to release a hunger signal and to crave off all things, more sugar. This creates a vicious cycle that wrecks havoc on your body chemistry and can lead to diabetes. Not mention, these bad carbs have absolutely no nutritional value. So you damage your system and get nothing in return.
Now, on the other hand, there are good carbs. Good carbs convert to sugar more slowly thus avoiding the sugar spike cycle. Furthermore, they are full good nutrients. Examples of good carbs are 100% whole wheat bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and fruit. So simply sway out your bad carbs with good carbs and you will be well on your way to weight loss and healthy without having to give up anything or count calories.

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