Bearing fruit from a treasury. (Matthew 12:33-37

2 years ago

I know that in our world there are a lot of externals that make it hard to push forward. Hard to move. Heck, hard to be a good person in general. But these verses seem to point out that the kind of person we are comes from the heart inside us.
The influences around us have an effect, and often will show true that without GOD in us, there isn't any good in us. I'm not calling anyone out mind you; I am however pointing out that the "idle words" that we speak are born from our character and heart. IF in passing our words speak nothing but darkness and pain then perhaps it is proof proved pure that the change in heart needs HIM.

Out of 613 laws in Torah, I can say that HE has forgiven me for my many, many, many, many, many failures and more than forgiven me, held me through it, showed me how to live different and worked to prove my heart purely HIS. Are there days where the flesh can win, yep, if I let it. But much like with Cain. We're all being stalked by it (the beast) we can be prey or master it by The Blood of JESUS.

Those treasury places will always be seen in the end, question then is this: Which kind of fruit do you want to produce? Cause to borrow from Titus 1:15-16, to the pure all things are pure. To the defiled nothing is. Claim what we will all we want but in the end, only HE truly knows our hearts.

Pray: Ps)23 Examine me, God, and know my heart;
test me, and know my thoughts.
24 See if there is in me any hurtful way,
and lead me along the eternal way.

HE will show you who you really are, if you let HIM.
HE told me I'm HIS daughter. Who are you to HIM? (Loved, for starters.)

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