Shadows, grace, and Rescue. (Matthew 14)

2 years ago

I've heard some amazing teachings pulled out of Matthew 14 but some amazingly powerful men and women of GOD; Lisa Harper, T.D. Jakes, Steven Furtick. Teachings that invite going in deeper and asking for even more and I hope you will go find them! Cause I promise you, GOD will put in front of you what you need to see in that moment, be in HIM, in the Wisdom HE gives you when HE does. Cause HE always has something for us when we really want it, and HE knows better than we do when we really want it and are ready for it.

Herod had his chains, just like we all do, his hands are dirty, so are ours all. I point it out not to speak shame but freedom, for there is chain-breaking-freedom in HIM, In the power of HIS NAME, in the Power, wonder-working-power, of The BLOOD. Please understand me here, HE died in our places so that we don't have to, HE took the lashes we deserve and HE did so, so that we could be in relationship with The FATHER, our ABBA. Without HIM being savior, there is no way to get to GOD.

No matter how fallen, HE loves you. No matter how messed up, HE has mercy, don't give up, dig into HIM, there is still time to learn who The LORD really is, in relationship, real relationship, with HIM.

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