Religious yeast vs Manna. (Matthew 16:5-12)

2 years ago

During HIS, Jesus YESHUA'S, temptation the enemy came to HIM and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become loves of bread." Mt4:3, Lk 4:3,
So while the enemy knows that The SON can turn stone into bread and we have testimony of water coming from rocks; we will all to often waver in the face of questions and fear: Questions of "Do I/Will I have enough?" "How can I help them when I can barely help myself?" So many like them down the hole of What if fears, instead missing the point entirely that GOD is The GOD of More-Than-Enough. The very name Jireh means "Who-Sees-To-It" not just "Provider". So the questions snowball into a place of neurosis and fear.

Today's verses we see arguments of "enough" and worries of who brought bread, missing, like we do, the fact that GOD has provided for everything the whole way. And very quickly the worry becomes blame and fight in form; all stemming from the fact that that worry is a lack of trust. Worry is in fact a form of fear, fear born of not being in control of the outcome.
Now, this is where nuance comes in: The need doesn't stop being there (we require food to eat after all, and being exposed in a blizzard is a pretty good way to die. Logic and reason are gifts after all and should be used.) The difference is found in approach. One is a walk in faith that, like Abraham trusted the offering would be there, because GOD said it, and HE will do it. We can trust that the walk is as much a gift as the finish line because in all things HE IS greater and no weapon shall prosper. The other approach, the worldly one, focuses on the questions rather than Trusting The ONE who sees-to-it.
This is not a blind faith approach in any stretch of the imagination, something the Bible is vehemently against anyway, it's logic and reason: GOD has proven HIMSELF true before; HE Is the Same, yesterday, today, and forever. Then by the rational process, HE will continue to be true to HIMSELF, even when we fail. How's that for a beautiful gift of grace, mercy, and love?

It's not a sin to ask questions, anyone who tells you otherwise is leading a cult or in one, the sin comes when we focus more on the question and get lost in the thicket of fear and worry rather than trust that not only does GOD have the answer, HE is wanting to give it readily, without reservation or hesitation, and wants us to grow and produce richer fruit.
Fruit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

So if we already know what is required of us: Micah 6:5. Then why would we start throwing on to it a list of things which GOD did not put there HIMSELF.
Faith will help you grow, religion will get you dead. Don't think I'm on to something? Cool! Let's dig in together. Start with reading all of Micah 6. Because the entire chapter is GOD speaking about how broken hearted HE is that HIS people wandered off in the face of faithfulness because they liked their religious structure more than HIS loving answers. So, where do you land today? What are some questions you can let go of to find peace? A good place to start if you are lost in a sea of them? "How can GOD get me through this?" Answer (sometimes, cause hey, we all want them): "I don't know. But if I'm here, HE'S not done with me yet, so something good is coming next!" Even if you can only speak the words with the faith of a mustard seed, it's a heck of a tree when all is said and done!

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