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Philosophy for the people
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The Moral Consequences of the Fact-Value Distinction

Philosophy for the People
In their study of One-Dimensional Man, Pat and Jim discuss Marcuse's take on what the moral consequences have been of the fact-value distinction, or disenchantment of nature from all intentional structure. Spoiler alert: Soylent Green is people!
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Leibniz's Argument for God's Existence | On The Ultimate Origination of Things

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim begin a series on Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's On The Ultimate Origination of Things, which presents an argument for the existence of God based upon the principle of sufficient reason applied to contingent things.
What is the argument, exactly? And does it still hold up today?
Leibniz's response to the problem of evil will be explored, as well.
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One-Dimensional Man | Chapter 7 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 7, offering commentary, and answering questions from the gentle comrade.
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Also, check our new website at
Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim are ready to answer whatever questions you send their way. Fitness, philosophy, faith, family life, business, etc., all is fair game on Freaky Friday!
Is It Reasonable to Believe In God? Two Philosophers Respond.

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim recently had a conversation responding to somebody who asked how they, as philosophers, can believe in God when there is "absolutely no evidence of anything supernatural." This video offers highlights from that conversation.
Highlights include:
"Jim on Unschooled Mouth Breathers"
"Reasonable Atheists Don't Say Stupid Things"
"What's Evidence Anyway?"
"Atheism Doesn't Predict Shit"
"We Don't Deal in Cartoons"
The full episode can be found here:
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One-Dimensional Man | Chapter 6 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 6, offering commentary, and answering questions from the gentle comrade.
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Introduction to Philosophical Thinking w/ Dr. Brian Kemple

Philosophy for the People
Dr. Brian Kemple joins Philosophy for the People for an introductory discussion on how to think like a philosopher. Plus, live QnA.
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On The Principles of Nature | Chapter 2 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn is joined by Dr. Gaven Kerr to continue their new series on Thomas Aquinas's treatise On The Principles of Nature, summarizing and commenting upon Chapter 2.
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An Invitation to the Pain of Learning

Philosophy for the People
Pat reads (and comments upon) an essay called Invitation to the Pain of Learning from Mortimer J. Adler.
Please check out the new philosophy for the people website at
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One-Dimensional Man | Chapter 5 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 5, offering commentary, and answering questions from the gentle comrade.
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Is There Really No Evidence for the Existence of God?

Philosophy for the People
A gentle listener asked how Pat and Jim can believe in God when “there is no evidence of anything supernatural.” Pat and Jim offer their response.
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Also, check out our new website at
Finally, see Jim's new anti-nihilism course at
Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA

Philosophy for the People
Ask Pat and Jim whatever you want. Fitness, philosophy, faith, family life, BJJ, etc. All is fair game come Freaky Friday!
Peter Kreeft, Apologetics, and Cumulative Cases

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn is joined by John DeRosa to discuss philosopher Peter Kreeft and the influence he's had on apologetics and cumulative case arguments.
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Check out the new website, as well at
One-Dimensional Man | Chapter 4 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 4, offering commentary, and answering questions from the gentle comrade.
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Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim are ready to take whatever questions you send their way. Philosophy, fitness, faith, family life, all is fair game on Freaky Black Friday!
One-Dimensional Man | Chapter 3 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 3, offering commentary, and answering questions from the gentle audience.
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Ask Pat and Jim Whatever YOU Want | Live "Anything Goes" QnA

Philosophy for the People
Because Jim is traveling this week, we're doing our "Freaky Friday" QnA today, which I guess makes it Whacky Wednesday. So bring whatever questions you have: philosophy, fitness, faith, martial arts, writing, family life, business, etc.
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On Making Up Your Own Mind by Mortimer Adler

Philosophy for the People
Pat continues reading from Mortimer Adler's How to Read a Book this time from the section on "making up your own mind" with respect to reading philosophy.
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Hints for Reading Philosophy by Mortimer Adler

Philosophy for the People
Pat reads "Hints for Reading Philosophy" as found in Mortimer Adler's How to Read a Book.
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Why Everything You Believe Is Wrong w/ Dr. Matt Briggs

Philosophy for the People
Matt Briggs, statistician to the stars, returns to the podcast to discuss his upcoming book Everything You Believe Is Wrong (pre-order on Amazon!).
"Here," as Matt explains, "is a small sample of things that majority of educated believe are false, but which are instead true: Science cannot answer every question put to it; It is not always right to correct a wrong; There is no wisdom in crowds; A consensus among elite academics does not prove the belief of the elite academics is true; That you are offended is irrelevant to whether a proposition is true or false; Defining yourself as your sexual desire is nonsensical; Voting does not make the majority position right and the minority position wrong; Voting is a leading cause of discord; Democracy is rarely to be desired; You cannot choose to believe you do not have free will; God exists."
Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA (11/12)

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim are ready to answer whatever questions you send their way. All is fair game: philosophy, fitness, faith, family life, etc.
One-Dimensional Man | Chapter 2 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 2, offering commentary, and answering questions from the gentle audience.
My Book Is On Sale for Just $4 | How to Be Better at (Almost) Everything

Philosophy for the People
Pat's book How to Be Better at Almost Everything has been selected for an Amazon "deal of the month" and is on sale for just $4. Here's what the book is about.
The Philosophy of Ted Nugent | Discussion and Live QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden comment upon the philosophy of.... Ted Nugent! Join us for what is sure to be a fruitful and stimulating conversation based upon recent comments from the Motor City Madman.
Apologetics and Sanity w/ Gary Michuta | Livestream and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn is joined by Gary Michuta to discuss apologetics and sanity, and how the two are surprisingly linked. We'll also be exploring themes in Gary's new book Revolt Against Reality. Questions from the audience are encouraged.
One-Dimensional Man | Chaper 1 Summary, Commentary, adn QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden continue their philosophical series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, summarizing chapter 1, offering commentary, and answering questions from the audience.
Interview (and QnA) with an Exorcist | Fr. Vincent Lampert

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden are joined by Fr. Vincent Lampert to discuss all things related to exorcism. Questions from the audience are welcome.
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For more conversations like these, check out The Pat Flynn Show podcast on iTunes:
Introduction to One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse | Philosophy 101 Series

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim begin a new series on Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man. Join us as two non-Marxists summarize and critically (but fairly) reflect on this incredibly influential text.
How Plato (Almost Perfectly) Predicted Contemporary Politics

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim offer their summary thoughts on Plato's The Republic before showing how Plato (almost perfectly) predicted our contemporary political situation some 2500 years in advance!
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How Consciousness Can Lead to God w/ Josh Rasmussen

Philosophy for the People
Dr. Joshua Rasmussen returns to The Pat Flynn Show to share insights from his upcoming book on the nature of consciousness.
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Plato's The Republic | Book 10 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 10 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
Plato's The Republic | Book 9 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 9 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
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4 SMALL Books that Answer BIG Philosophical Questions #shorts

Philosophy for the People
Pat highlights four (relatively) small books that address big (= important) philosophical questions.
Plato's The Republic | Book 8 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 8 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
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Aristotle’s 10 Categories in 60 Seconds #shorts

Philosophy for the People
Pat uses his St. Bernard Lola to example Aristotle's 10 categories.
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Aristotle's Categories can be read here:
The Best Books on the Existence of God (Extended Edition)

Philosophy for the People
This video expands on my recent #short highlighting what I felt are some really good books arguing for the existence of God. In this video I offer a brief overview of each book and what insights one can expect to find inside.
If you’d like to see more “book review” videos like this, please make a suggestion in the comments.
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The Best Books on the Existence of God #shorts

Philosophy for the People
Pat briefly showcases some of the best contemporary books concerned with the question of God's existence and attributes, and whether either or both of these can be reasonably demonstrated.
Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA - Oct 15th

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim are ready to take whatever questions you throw their way. Philosophy, fitness, business, family life -- all is fair game!
Plato's The Republic | Book 7 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 7 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
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What Is Traditional Philosophy? w/ Pat Flynn and Jim Madden

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim discuss the commitments of traditional or "perennial" philosophy, including realism, metaphysical reasoning, and non-reductionism.
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Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim are ready to take whatever questions you send. Philosophy, theology, fitness, business, family life, you name it.
Plato's The Republic | Book 6 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 6 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
Phenomenology and Theology | What's the Link?

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim are joined by Dr. Steven DeLay to discuss the link between phenomenology and theology.
Stephen is the author of the following books:
Phenomenology in France (Taylor and Francis)
Before God (Rowman and Littlefield)
In the Spirit (John Hunt)
The Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism w/ Dr. Stephen Napier

Philosophy for the People
Dr. Stephen Napier joins Pat Flynn to discuss the (in)famous evolutionary argument against naturalism. What is the argument and what objections have been raised against it? Join us for what is sure to be a fascinating conversation!
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A Philosophical Case for Christianity w/ Pat Flynn and Classical Theist

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Classical Theist present a philosophical case for Christianity based upon considerations of God's nature, goodness as self-diffusive, and theories of the atonement. In short, how a philosophical commitment to classical theism makes Christianity very (rationally) plausible.
Plato's The Republic | Book 5 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 5 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
Ask Pat Flynn Anything | Live QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat is ready to answer whatever questions you send -- philosophy, fitness, business, faith, family life, etc -- all is fair game!
Plato's The Republic | Book 4 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 4 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
Discussing the Problem of Evil on an Islamic Youtube Channel

Philosophy for the People
Recently, I (Pat) was invited on the Finding Truth YouTube channel — hosted by Ahmed, a practicing Muslim — to discuss the problem of evil from our respective traditions. It was a thoroughly enjoyable chat and I thank Ahmed for being a gracious host.
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The Act-Potency Distinction In 60 Seconds | Philosophy In (Almost) 60 Seconds

Philosophy for the People
The second installment of our Philosophy In (Almost) 60 Seconds series focuses on the traditional act-potency distinction. Please offer suggestions for the next installment in the comments.
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*The Act-Potency Distinction*
Change occurs. But how is this possible? Certain Pre-Socratic philosophers such as Parmenides suggested that change must be an illusion, since it would require something (being) coming from nothing (non-being), which is absurd. Aristotle, on the other hand, agreed that while something coming from nothing would be absurd, disagreed that that is what is involved in change. Rather, Aristotle argued that change involves the actualization of some potential and that being “comes in different ways.” There is actual being, on the one hand — namely, that which is actively present and causally-capable — and there is potential being, on the other, which is a sort of in-built latency grounded in actual being and restricted by the nature of things, that could be brought about under appropriate actualizing conditions. For example: while some cup of water is currently actually cool it is potentially hot given its nature and becomes actually hot when somebody applies heat to it. Water, however — and this is important — is never potentially intelligent, because the nature of water restricts it to a particular range of possible ways of being actual, as all natures, according to Aristotle, do.
The act-potency distinction is foundational to any broadly Aristotelian metaphysic, hence the Thomistic thesis that: "Potency and Act divide being in such a way that whatever is, is either pure act, or of necessity it is composed of potency and act as primary and intrinsic principles."
Thomism In 60 Seconds | Philosophy In (Almost) 60 Seconds

Philosophy for the People
This video is the first in a series trying to summarize philosophical schools of thought in (approximately) 60 seconds. First up, is Thomism (= the philosophical school following the legacy of St. Thomas Aquinas). Please like, comment, share, and subscribe!
Thomism holds that the universe is made up of a hierarchy of diverse grades of being – from elements to plants to humans to angels – all of which are dependent upon the non-contingent absolute, self-subsistent being (God) who creates, sustains, and moves everything else which exists in accord with their nature. Further, that man himself is a microcosm within a macrocosm being a union of matter (body) and spirit (mind) which is the substantial but immaterial form of the body and destined for life after death. Man by nature desires to know reality and its highest truths and deepest causes (that is, ultimately, to know God) but this possibility stretches beyond this life and man’s natural capacities: thus, if man is to attain eternal happiness, he must be instructed by a divine faith that transcends philosophy, and his actions must be guided by a divine love that builds on and perfects nature through divine grace.
Thomism is theistic (affirms the existence of God), realist (holds that we can come to know a world apart from our heads), and essentialist (affirming formal and final, alongside material and efficient, causality).
Some contemporary Thomistic thinkers include John Haldane, Bernard Lonergan, Gaven Kerr, and Eleonore Stump.
What's the Problem with Scientism? w/ Edoardo and Jim

Philosophy for the People
Pat, Jim, and Edoardo discuss Scientism -- what it is, why it's problematic, etc.
Plato's The Republic | Book 3 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 3 of Plato's The Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
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God In Man by Seneca

Philosophy for the People
A reading of Seneca's God In Man.
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Is Life Meaningful Without God? | Live Philosophy QnA w/ Pat Flynn, Gaven Kerr, and Jim Madden

Philosophy for the People
Pat, Gaven, and Jim field a series of questions from the audience, including whether God is required to ground objective morality and meaning in life, which leads the three into a spirited -- but productive! -- disagreement.
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Plato's The Republic | Book 2 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Pat and Jim continue their series on Plato's The Republic, summarizing book 2, providing commentary, and taking questions from the gentle listeners.
Plato's The Republic | Book 1 Summary, Commentary, and QnA

Philosophy for the People
Philosophers Pat Flynn and Jim Madden summarize Book 1 of Plato's Republic, share their thoughts and commentary, and invite questions from the audience.
Related: Our episode on "What Is Platonism":
Ask Pat and Jim Anything | Live QnA
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