Jenny HARVESTED Her FIRST Italian Honey Fig! SIMPLY DIVINE! 🧑‍🌾❤️ #shorts #shortsfeed #viral

1 year ago

Growing Italian Honey Figs

Italian honey fig trees grow well both outdoors and in containers. Since they are self-pollinating, an enclosed patio can produce figs as can the outside garden. The honey fig likes a moderate, sunny climate, but if given special care, it can over-winter successfully in the cooler climate. Figs grow best in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 8 through 11 outdoors and, on the patio, in 4a to 11, according to Sweet Canes. Container growth produces a heartier fig crop because the container restricts root growth. Be sure to loosen the root ball before planting it in the container.

Italian honey figs can fruit twice during the season, depending on soil type, temperature and the amount of sun they get. August is the first fruiting month, and mid-September produces the end-of-season crop. If the tree is newly planted, it will take a few years to establish a reliable fruiting season, according to Plant Lust.
Creating a Fig Tree Garden

Fig trees grow in most types of soil but need full sun to bear fruit. Planted your fig tree in the early spring or late autumn and watch it carefully during cold spells. While some figs can tolerate cold temperatures, The Old Farmer’s Almanac recommends that you cover them during freezes. They grow deep roots, so keep that in mind when considering where to plant your trees. Use moderate fertilizer, equally balanced, and don't over-fertilize. Prune to keep the fruit production at a low height to make it easier to harvest the fruit. Birds love figs, so using netting to cover the tree when it's full of fruit helps ensure a larger harvest.

Plant your container fig tree in a large pot with good drainage. The University of New Hampshire recommends planting your fig tree in a lightweight soil-less potting mix that retains moisture, so the roots will receive plenty of airflow. Test the top 2 inches of the soil, and if it's dry, water the tree.
Recognizing an Italian Honey Fig

Unlike the common purple fig most people are accustomed to, the Italian honey fig is shaped like a pear with a light green or yellow skin. Moreover, the honey fig is larger than the purple version. When cut open, the honey fig doesn’t reveal multiple seeds; instead, you will see a web of simple amber sweetness in which the “honey” dominates the taste and appearance. The honey fig is best when eaten at room temperature or just off the tree. Just pop the whole thing in your mouth and savor the sweetness.

The honey fig must be fully ripe to mature into the sweetness it promises. It’s a delicate balance between ripe and rotten, so sample your figs daily during the tree's fruiting season. The fruit won't ripen off the vine. If the fruit is overripe, don’t waste it. Use the honey figs to make jam or a compote.

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