NOOOOO! 100 Kgs x 6.99 Bench Press. SO. CLOSE.

1 year ago

I was feeling pretty good right up until this set, when my energy just kind of dwindled out. However, I still felt that I could get a new PR of 7 reps, and thus break my plateau. However, I kind of screwed up my arch setup, and the unracking went absolutely awful, so I lost a lot of strength and energy from the get go. I really wanted to break past six reps, and against my better judgement, I went for it. I was SO. F@#$ING. CLOSE, but just couldn't push it that extra tiny freaking bit, to finish the rep. This is double the prescribed rep range for this week, and at least matching my previous best, but I was really hoping to make some progress today. If the unracking did not go so poorly with my terrible J-Hooks, I am 100 percent sure I would have got 7 reps. This is super frustrating, guys. Hopefully this failure does not impact the rest of the cycle, moving forward.

Song: "My Own Grave" - As I Lay Dying

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