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15 seconds

Defending the Indefensible


  • 0/2000
  • There are whole continents people can stay in or go back to if they find cohabiting with whiteness so insufferable.

  • i hang out with black people for the creative cursing... but I stay for the free minstrel show.

  • According to the neocolonials, this is the "new normal" they've brought to the west.

  • ah, an outtake reel!

    1 like
  • Carl twitching his eyebrow on the restart was as good as any smirk given on a mulligan.

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  • I would like also to believe that progressives doubt their causes. I would like to believe that it's pure ego that drives them to defend these things. That if they were brought to a decision point, they'd make the right choice. I'd like to believe that it's only fear of their neighbors shunning them that prevents them speaking their minds. I'd like to believe that tomorrow I could go and buy the next winning ticket for the Mega Bucks lottery prize.

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