It's about loyalty not loot. (James 1:9-11)

2 years ago

The rich will be humbled, kinda reads a little "rich vs poor" don't it? And since we don't play an us verses them game, since the real enemy, the one that JESUS died to defeat and was risen again in victory again, is what we deal with in the day to day, as HE puts it to death in us. So, got to be something different, as I see it. Then what's deeper than us vs them that talks both poor honoured and rich humbled. Both realize their need to depend on GOD when they are in right relationship. When we are living in the right places we realize we are so dependent on GOD that even being animate is at HIS will, being alive is by HIS grace. Because where does life come from? Where cometh from the Spark? To where doth it return? (And if someone knows what that is from, please let me know, it's been in my head for my entire life.) The poor understand this from go. When you live pay check to pay check, hand to mouth, when you don't know when or if you will see another or a next meal, you are honored already because you know, we know, that HE is who makes us well. When you grow up with "nothing" you learn that GOD is your everything really quick, if you do not see this truth then the hope lost is a place of deep and genuine darkness, it is agonizing and it's why culture is the way it is in the places of deep bondage in our world. When you have chains of any kind you long for freedom, either the real kind or the type of chains that call themselves freedom, that turn death into a commodity, in any form, verbal, literal, or metaphysical. Freedom of spirit, because the body is always in chains until we are free to realize that our help comes from The LORD. With riches comes dependency, the want to go out and enjoy the wild and the lights and the affluence, the partying and the spoils, to stay in that place of "celebration" that leaves one empty, are humbled. The higher the rise the harder the fall when one is building Babylon. The richer one gets, be it in currency or power or anything else the world calls and idol to run after, including the alter of me, the more empty we become. In the end the power leaves one alone, because of everyone it cost to get there. The money, how does it comfort you when all have left. There are those who will share the race to earthly treasures, many of us do, in any form. We chance after the false things and we do so because we long for those creature comforts, we don't really care for our souls as long as our bodies are fed. And it's painful to really think about. These places of empty and hallow blankness because what was longed for broke and fell apart. The money ran out, the winds of power shifted, the tower fell down, the family is no more. The humbling pain of one type of life that climbs over another to reach the top in an dark and almost maddening downward path to hell that feels ever the upward climb, and then realizing it, how much it hurts to know how much damage has been done in the name of "me" how much hurt has been left in the wake, how much death has been caused because of coldness; how much it hurts to own that all that is on us for doing it. How much it stings to remember the faces and know that perhaps nothing can ever be done on this side of things to make amends to one who is loved so and was treated so poorly and may never get to know how much they meant. That's the humble, painful, drive to earth that reminds us that we are born with nothing and we leave the same. How humbling and heart rending to those who believe they have "everything". That's the thing of The WORD, it's not us vs them. The "them" the enemy is The Satan, The Adversary, the lives we share this beautiful world with are, thanks to Facebook, within four people of every other person on planet earth, we are brother, sister, mother, daughter, father, friend. We are family that is made by the loving hand of GOD to share HIS love with others, to be in the middle. A family that loves because we are loved and loves as we are loved, made up of very tribe, every nature, every tongue. We are all HIS and all we need to do is realize how much we need HIM and just say "Thank YOU" and welcome HIM in as King. That's all we've ever needed to do. The poor who know HE is needed, the rich who learn it painfully, and every life in between singing Hosanna in The Name of The LORD!

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