Ask. (James 1:5)

2 years ago

A lot of time we tend to forget that we can simply ask. That when we trust that HE cares enough to answer HE does. We can rest in the fact that HE loves us so much more than we know. And it gets even cooler when you look at this next to the Genesis creation narrative. World says that it came into being through violence and death or via rape and incest, which don't get me wrong, is the way the world tends to behave. We however know the truth. With a single Word GOD can changes all of creation, on the macro and the micro. Why would it be different when asking for wisdom, or anything else for that matter? HE wouldn't give us a snake in place of bread. Nor a spider in place of soup. Why would HE beat us down when we go to HIM with enough trust just to ask in the first place? This is where faith comes in, believing that HE is good and wants to actually give the wisdom and more than that even be true to HIS character. This is just part of the gift of getting to be near to HIM. Don't cower or run from the ONE who IS and don't let pride or fear keep you from turning to The ONE who Can and Does.

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