Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. (Galatians 4:21-31)

2 years ago

Eirene is the Greek for Shalom, charis for grace. ^.^
These two have stuck out to me a lot because peace and grace are all over the place, it's even how the early church, and some today, greet each other, something I'm going to work at bringing back in my greetings to others. More so since even the if it stays or not YESHUA gives an answer to. If it's received it stays if it's not it returns to us. So why not speak it, more so with the power of live and death being on our tongues? The slave and free idea go even deeper, slave to ourselves or free to learn what it is to be who we really are. I mean one is worshiping the alter of "me/my". You know, "My title. My job. My income." Or to reduce it to its core, "my way of showing I have value when comparing myself to you." Rather than see that we are all loved enough to die for us. Don't have to compare value when HE is no respecter of persons, rather wanting the relationship with each of us. The individual and the community. It's all interconnected and all rather profound in its simplicity (lacking complication). Cause, and let's be blunt about it, in the west, who you do and what you are are so interconnected that we have a culture of human-doings rather than human-beings and so we reduce, we fight, we other, and we do it because we want to be valued, and in chasing after things with no value at all (other peoples opinions of us for starters, to say nothing of the monopoly money we play with as a planet or the thousands of other things Ecc. points out as being worth little value in a world filled with hevel) we lose our value. We become the dead wood (idols) we chase after. And we all know the use of deadwood.
It's heavy, it's not easy to take in one go, and it says that most of the stuff we chase after in this world is garbage, simply put though, can't serve two masters. So whom will you serve? The ONE who sets us free, or the world that throws chains?

This isn't calling out anyone, this is calling out the enemy that tries to distract us, this is calling out behaviour that is being lead by the nose rather than taking a moment to go, "hey wait..."
It's not a sin to be lost, it is a sin to know what you aught to do and not. And if we know you aught to live and love the way HE shows us and we fail to, then we have sinned. And that to becomes a reminder of grace. Until, as we surrender, our character-based instinct-reaction is one of love, because HE has made us new.

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