2 years ago

(Now's a good time for that record scratch sound...) Yes! This video is NOT about Linux! It's about a Bourbon I discovered today. Hey, this IS the Drunk Linux User series, right? Well, I don't want to disappoint you...

Buffalo Trace Bourbon is a very fine liquor indeed! If you enjoy Bourbon, I would suggest trying this brand. It's smooth, and almost has a sweet aftertaste.

No...I'm not getting paid or compensated to do this. I just figured, I'm THE Drunk Linux User. I'm going to pass along some information about some of the things I like. You might like them, too.

On that note; Remember our Words of Wisdom:

Don't drive drunk!
Don't drink and drive!
Don't go to eBay, Amazon, or use MS Edge Shopping all buzzed up because you think you're going to get the latest and coolest stuff...You're probably not.

In the meantime, Bottoms Up & Later Dudes!


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