THE BRIDE 1985 Revisioning of the Famous Frankenstein Story FULL MOVIE in HD & W/S

1 year ago

THE BRIDE 1985 - Frankenstein creates a woman for his monster, but she rejects the creature, so he is enraged & destroys the lab. The Baron flees with the Bride, the monster also escapes though the Baron believes he didn't. The Baron educates the Bride, begins to love her. Of course this is destined for failure, then the monster reappears.

This version starts at the end of Bride of Frankenstein, 1935, with one difference being all involved escape the destruction of the laboratory. Then it moves forward from there. This revisioning got critical reviews that were all over the place, most were negative regarding the effectiveness of the plot, though positive in the quality grade A presentation. In the time since its release, it has been looked upon more favorably.

It fell into public domain and has some lousy copies around, but this version is the high quality HD & Widescreen one. (Subscribe to this channel as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

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