Simple, Cheap DIY Hydroponics Ebb and Flow Growing System

2 years ago

*Sorry I forgot to put the conversion in the video: 450 litres per hour is approx. 118 US gallons per hour*
This is a short video showing a simple DIY hydroponics system I made a few days ago. Materials list below:
43 litre Container:
I show 2 containers in the video but a third one can be used as a top to protect against slugs / snails etc. and to allow for growing through the Winter by providing a warmer environment due to the greenhouse effect (the real greenhouse effect, not the nonsense we were 'taught' in school).
Urinal Syphon:
Oxy Water Pump (450 lph): (pumps page)
11cm x 11cm pond baskets (Ebay):
11cm x 11cm pond baskets (Amazon):
The media used to fill the pots is a coarse ceramic grit and I have a larger version arriving which is more comparable to traditional clay balls. However, it is much rougher and knobbly than the clay balls and from previous experiments with a larger type of this media in ponds I've noticed that the root growth and plant size / health when growing in this media is noticeably better than growing in other media.
I will upload update video(s) and a specific video on the larger media as the trials progress.

Since making this video I have made another system with 1 litre 'air pots' as the media / plant containers and swapped the original clear container reservoir for a mich larger 150 litre 90cm x 60cm x 35cm container to act as the reservoir. Now I have 2 growing systems fed by the same reservoir. Added to that I have used a clear container as a cover for both systems - effectively protecting the plants from inclement weather and pests.
As the systems are outside the cabin where I work I can open them up when I go up there in the morning and close them down on a night when I've finished work - I will make another video showing the upgraded system after I get the new hydroponic growing media so look out for that.

Given the cost of bell syphons and the materials (and associated cost) to make them I'm not sure why people with hydroponics don't use the Urinal Automatic Auto Flushing Syphon - I bought 3 of them for around £5.40 each.

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