"THE WELL" by Brother Carman (now in Heaven) Epic Performance (mirrored)

2 years ago

this is a mirrored video

"We are called to be effective, not popular" – Carman

Singer & songwriter, promoted to Heaven February 19, 2021 and born in Trenton, New Jersey, January 16, 1956.

If you love #Carman #Licciardello also, please leave a comment under my video on rumble as a memorial to him, we all love Carman and he is now in Heaven with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and what is written there in love for Carman shall be written in Heaven for him to see. Please click this link to go to this video on rumble to leave a comment:


Carman began his musical career playing drums in his mother’s band at the age of 15. Christian performer like none other, he was most of all an evangelist. There's no way you can classify a Carman song by its style but rather by the shear blunt-force impact delivery in a persons life, with an unmistakable Gospel message.

After all the singing, dancing, clapping and preaching, throngs of people would stream down to the counseling area to accept #YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH—many times as many as 5,000 in an evening. Admission was usually free, a simple offering taken. Now he is in Heaven enjoying the rewards of his labor, and watching as his work continues to bear fruit on earth to the glory of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.


For the full Carman Memorial video covering himself and Rush on Youtube as well here it is below:

Singer Carman Licciardello Memorial - Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu Loves You No One Will Take Your Place


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