Episode 8: How Did Ordinary Vanquish and Neutralize Limiting Beliefs? Lee Ann Bonnell Live

1 year ago

Episode 8: How Did Ordinary Vanquish and Neutralize Limiting Beliefs?

Entrepreneurs and Corporate Professionals! Listen up!

I want to take you back to Episode 3, where our friend Ordinary gave every reason that he could not pursue the Goals and Dreams carried around in his Deep Inner Vault since college.

Each Limiting Belief has its own personality and its own emotions tied to it. Generally speaking, the root emotion tied to it is fear.

The list of Limiting Beliefs is here:
- I have a family to support.
- I have responsibilities.
- No one will back my crazy idea.
- I can't do this right now.
- I'll do it when I retire.

These statements are all valid, but they are also extremely limiting. Once you buy into the limited belief that each one of these statements carries, it is very hard to break away so that you can achieve even the smallest goal or dream

Bold Red Head helped Ordinary slay each of these dragons - head on - with her mighty sword of truth!

Each time Ordinary came up with a limiting belief of how a More and Better life was out of his grasp, Bold Red Head rode in on her noble steed and slayed the evil dragon of limiting belief!

(Ok so there is some literary license here, but this is an adventure story, after all.)

By slaying limiting beliefs every time they came up through questions and conversation with Bold Red Head, allowed for greater space for Ordinary to move to his next step. This is not easy, as it is an iterative process.

Bold Red Head held the space for ordinary to vanquish each limiting belief as needed and then held space for him to create new thoughts and beliefs that were supportive to his goals and dreams

A killer question (sword) that helped Ordinary move to a new level was this: “What would you do if you weren't afraid?”

Asking this question helped Ordinary to access his true desires and see past the limiting beliefs that were holding him back.

ACTION STEP: If you are working on vanquishing your own limiting beliefs, I invite you to ask yourself this question about one: “What would I do if I weren't afraid?”

Give yourself some time to answer and write it down. HINT: The first answer that comes to mind is usually the correct one.

And then take action on your answer.

Here is where a coach, called Bold Red Head in this story, comes in. A master coach can provide support and guidance to vanquish limiting beliefs and dig deep to find what is really holding you back. They hold space without judgment to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

If you don't have a coach or someone to help you, it may just be time for you to hire one. It is worth the investment if it means achieving your dreams and ultimately what you have been put on this earth to do.

All it takes is for you to go to http://meetwithleeann.me and please schedule your free 30 minute call with me.

Please go and pick your time with me NOW, please before you forget, because you deserve to pursue happiness and leave the ordinary world!

I'll see you in the next episode!

Love your coach,
Bold Red Head

#gritandgrace #BoldRedHead #Ordinary #Limiting Beliefs #SlayDragons #Vanquish

If you’d love a customized strategy based on my 20 years of experience working with people just like you, hop on my calendar at http://meetwithleeann.me

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Testimonials found on this website are actual client reviews of Lee Ann Bonnell and Lee Ann Bonnell Coaching. Prospective clients may not obtain the same or similar results. The information contained on this website is intended for general informational purposes only.

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