Revenue Alignment - Ultimate Customer Experience

1 year ago

What do I mean with Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue.

Revenue engine alignment, with that of the ultimate customer experience.

Where does this start?


Demand Generation and Head of New Business work together on new client targets.

They validate channels of where they like to be communicated with.

Demand, obviously takes charge on creating spicy educational content to meet the buyers in their buying cycle.

It’s also vitally important to cross reference your existing client data bases.

Find those best fit personas.

Know what’s going to make it real for them.

Utilise that within the demand marketing piece.

While you are there, place where are you now calls to your existing client database.

You will uncover gold there.

Then, new business and customer success align on agreeable communications plan, and strike while the iron is hot with, buyer led actions.

No waiting
No il email them tomorrow.
No slipping through the cracks .
Just old fashioned end to end service delivery.

Which is why, Customer Success for those that are winning right now, are a sales department.

Those that have taken this further with Marketing Led Growth, modelling and or #ClosedCircuitSelling that if targeting is undertaken correctly, sales is slightly pre, and mostly post sale engagement.

It’s an assist, to meet them in their buying cycle.

What this gives you is buyer alignment to your revenue engine.

You then realise you can do more with less, and really impact the market with the right type of impressions.

@mark bangs and I go into this further in episode 1, of the @bang on sales show.

Isn’t this the type of experience you want both internally and externally??

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

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