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How To Get Gospel Tracts

2 years ago

Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about where to get gospel tracts from.


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you Brother Breaker! Get some rest!!

    1 like
  • Thank you brother. This will be a good way to share the Gospel. The same way I got saved 💖

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  • the bible is a FLAT EARTH book with 300 verses in it

  • they are all BLACK in the bible israel and egypt are IN AFRICA and the middle east DONT EXIST the REAL ISRAELITES are the 40.000.000 NEGROES IN AMERICA SLAVE SHIPS AND KOLONIZATION are in the bible : deuteronomy 28.33.68 if you read DEUTERONOMY 28 that are all the CURSES that the REAL ISRAELITES get and its these NEGROES IN AMERICA a nd they are also scattered in ALL nations and living in POVERTY read DEUTERONOMY 28 and then you gonna see WHO gets these CURSES these FAKE JEWS that are now controlling this world like the ROCKEFELLERS and bill gates are EDOMITES and FREEMASONS and JESUS says they are from their father SATAN = revelation 2.9 and 3.9 and john 8.44 and matthew 13.24.30

  • why is robert NOT talking about the BIBLE FLAT EARTH there are 300 VERSES IN the bible for the FLAT EARTH ERIC DUBAY FLAT EARTH PODCAST / DAVID WEISS

  • look for a young pastor and he has 5 video's on the BIBLE FLAT EARTH the school of the hebrews he also teaches WHOT the REAL ISRAELITES are and its these 40.000.000 NEGROES IN AMERICA