Rotating Compost Maker Review

2 years ago

Rotating compost maker (Amazon):
Rotating compost maker (Ebay):
Although this compost maker doesn't produce anywhere near as much compost as a 'proper' multi-bay composting system it does convert what I put into it very well ad will be perfect for compact gardens.
I was lucky enough to get 3 dumpy bags full of oak leaves and rotten oak branches so I crammed most of them in here, added garden waste from vegetable trimmings and also threw a few worms in there and let it do its thing.
Every week I was turning it at least twice to keep things mixed up and in a few months the results can be seen in this video.
I have no doubt that the compost produced here will do a cracking job in my vegetable beds or to pot tomatoes up into next year - they will love it.
While this may not be an 'essential' tool for the serious gardener it certainly makes a great job of producing compost with minimal effort and I appreciate that - I'd definitely recommend it.

Thanks for watching and if you've found this video useful please share it with anyone on any site online - feel free to copy the video for your channel if you want to, just leave the description intact no worries.

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