Episode 2 - Off Grid Solar System - Project Update

3 years ago

Yeeeesss - being self sufficient for power is awesome as the power company can't turn my power off during an 'emergency'.
If you go for a 'smart meter' the power company can leave you without power wherever they please or drain the batteries of your off-grid solar system.
Therefore...no smart meter here.....
It's a hell of an outlay to get a proper off-grid solar system (as there are NO government grants available now and the feed in tariff is currently £0.05 per unit) but I had to take action to prevent ourselves and my business being affected by the ramping up of 'environmental taxes' which is coming very soon.
Our governments are paying people who want to work to stay at home and taxing those who go to work harder to pay those being paid to stay at home..........Is there any world in which that makes sense?

What does make sense is being able to provide electricity and food - hence this series of videos showing the various parts of my garden working together toward that goal.

The solar system was installed by Sustainable Energy Engineering and this is their website: http://www.susenergy.co.uk/
(I may have made a balls of the company name in the video....my memory isn't the best)

If you have eyes to see now is the time to save up and take action to be self-reliant and more self-sufficient. As I am not blind to what goes on behind the headlines I've had the luxury of being able to save up over a few years for these projects but nothing is more important than self-reliance and learning new skills since skills are (or soon will be) the new currency.
Money well spent. Fake 'money' exchanged for something of real value - that's a great deal.

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