Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast, Episode 141 – The colorful revolution continues to eat itself

2 years ago

It’s been a while since they last podcasted about Macedonia but events in Macedonia do not take a break, so Cvetin and Jason gather again to talk about what has transpired in the past month. That includes watching the remnants of the colorful revolution continue to devour itself, this time at the level of the public prosecutor and the financial police. Lots of finger pointing going around! Macedonia’s kowtowing to Bulgaria in order to join a dubious EU continues with Macedonian historians continuing to disabuse themselves as well as Macedonian history and heroes, and the government finally scores a win with some foreign direct investment – but is it really a win, what will it really cost Macedonian taxpayers, and just how corrupt is it? Have a listen.

Music by:

- Mizar (Pocesna strelba - Last salute)

With gratitude to Mark Steyn for giving us the idea for the podcast name

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