Offer Made to Weidner by City of Racine to Settle Open Records Case

1 year ago

Former Mayoral candidate and 20-year alderman Sandy Weidner was given an offer from the City of Racine Attorney Scott Letteney in an open records case which lasted 5 years. Weidner was targeted by city officials after she announced her campaign for Mayor in the City of Racine in 2017. She campaigned to expose the Machinery Row development and other financial concerns within the city. Weidner was brought up on ethic’s charges during her campaign after City Attorney Scott Letteney claimed Weidner violated attorney client privilege with city emails. Weidner asked to see the PowerPoint email used in the ethics complaint only to have Racine Judge Gasiorkiewicz seal her court case from the public. Weidner was charged with contempt of court by Judge Gasiorkiewicz after she spoke about the case. Weidner after appealing to the Wisconsin appeals court was moved to Kenosha court in front of Chad Kerkman. After 5 years fighting an open records case in two courts, in front of two judges a contempt of court charge and three appeals, the appeals stated the records should be turned over to Weidner. The city has made an offer to settle after spending over $200,000 taxpayers’ money on an open record case they could not win.

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