it's hard out here for a luddite

1 year ago

no content like this anywhere else
everybody's creativity sucked out by technology
no excuse when you're driving a jeep
i dunno how well this is gonna work
handheld canon camcorder
still haven't figured out how to edit this bitch
can't seem to charge my other camera
...kinda like an ssri (ie it doesn't work)
awww sumin happenin over there
had to explain the black box warning label on anti-depressants
nobody reads warning labels (or any labels)
my assumption correct from 2006
bdpd, due to the technology everyone insists upon
it'd be one thing...
that's not what people are doing
they can pretend a lotta things, man
maybe it's this gloom n doom making everyone apathetic instead
it's just the way it is, it's just what we do/where we go
how we operate from now on (things WERE this way before always n forever)
things have gone very very sour
they ignore the taste of shit inside their mouth

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