Recipe no. 23.Coleslaw meets celery root remoulade and friends

2 years ago

A new recipe EVERY DAY.

In "Food Combining" terms this is a "carbohydrate meal" because there is no concentrated protein (like egg, meat, fish etc.). In fact there is very little carbohydrate either but it is still very filling because there is lots of fibre in celery root (celeriac). Very good for your colon. There are plenty of calories in the mayonnaise.

All the recipes are Siegnalet ("pronounce it Saynyalay") diet legal. Dr. Seignalet was a French professor of medicine who put 91 chronic, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with his "ancestral" diet. To read more about the diet go to my website: or watch my introduction to Dr. Seignalet's as yet untranslated book whose title I translate as "Nutrition - the third medicine"

Dr. Seignalet thought that we only need to eat animal protein once a day as we are all sedentary now. So that ties in nicely with an earlier therapeutic, lifestyle diet called "Food Combining". One of the rules of food combining is that you dont' mix concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate at the same meal. more about food combining here:

The above is my bland description on my youtube version of this video. The following would get my channel immediately removed from youtube. (I've had 2 warnings already). The Seignale diet is part of my protocol to reverse the effects of the mRNA, so called "vaccine" which was deliberately engineered to kill us all off. Many people are severely injured and unable to work. Many thousands have already died and many more will. If you think you have not been injured by the jab, think again! It's a slow burn. There is a new medical term: "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome". Go here to see the non-pharma, all natural protocol and upload your story which will be a snapshot of your health now and you will update the story as you recover and get the filthy jab toxin out of your body and repair the damage already caused. If you are unable to work now and in financial difficulty and can't afford the supplements because of that please do not hesitate to put your gofundme page or similar link on your story. If you can afford it please look at the stories and contribute some money to the badly injured. You may need someone's help yourself in the near future. Let's all help each other get through this evil depopulation scam. Remember: VIBRANT HEALTH IS THE BEST REVENGE

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