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15 seconds

Banter 97

5 years ago

Please Subscribe to my Youtube and VapeTube channels and ask your friends and family to subscribe as well.
Also can you share where ever you can, Thanks.

Please remember these are just my opinions and never go off just by what I say, please view other reviews of the device ect.

Coily Tool ► http://www.coilytool.co.uk/
Use code EATMABB15 for 15% discount off either a standard 3D printed or Custom Text 3D printed Coily
The Kilted Devil Coils ► www.facebook.com/kilteddevilscoils

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Patreon ► http://www.patreon.com/eatmabb
Amazon Vape list ► http://amzn.eu/5j6PgPA

If you want to leave feedback or contact me:
Email ► mark@eatmabb.com
Website ► http://www.eatmabb.com
Youtube ► http://www.youtube.com/eatmabb
Vape Tube ► http://www.vape-tube.com/eat-ma-bb
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