2 years ago

There are definitely some good reasons to update or upgrade your Linux Desktop. I'm going to list some of them here:

1. Security Updates are probably the first and most important reason you'd want to update your system. You don't want any kind of vulnerability to expose your system or data to individuals with nefarious intentions. This one is kind of a no-brainer.
2. Maintenance releases for system and software are a very close second to Security Updates. Every once in a while a developer will discover, either on their own or through their users, that they made a mistake. Once those mistakes are fixed, the developers will release their Maintenance updates, and you should be good to go. If the problem is affecting you, then you might want to give the fix a go. If you're not having any problems, then you might want to hold off for a week or so to see what the fallout is from the latest patch. Though there's probably nothing wrong with the patch, you never know. Think about Microsoft's patches when approaching this one. Even if you're not experiencing a problem now, you might in the future. If there's nothing wrong with the update, then give it a try. If it fixes your problem, or it doesn't promote a new one, you're most likely safe.
3. Introduction of new features, hardware inclusion, or improvements are also worth trying IF you're either in need of the new features, inclusion or improvements. That pesky graphics card you just installed might not have been included in the previous kernel, but it might be in there, now. If things get worse, you can always roll your kernel back and wait for the next version to come down the line. When it comes to software, you decide if the updates are things you want or need. If they are, go for it! If not? Well, maybe you don't need it right now. By the time you do, the software might have been updated again and you'll get even more out of it.
4. Tighter coding for your OS, desktop or applications is another good reason to update or upgrade. If it helps your workflow, then it's worth the upgrade. Yes, you might have to learn new muscle memory to achieve the final results, but that's usually a small price to pay. If it's radically different from your way of working, try it out in a virtual machine first and see if you can't wrap your mind around it. Sometimes newer is not better. It's your choice and your call.
5. It looks pretty! Um, well, if prettier means you're getting more done or done in a better way, yeah. Okay. If not, well that's a totally subjective call and one you're going to have to make.

There may be other reasons to upgrade or update, but those are the ones that popped into my head today. My advice is to research what the upgrade or update is before you leap in and find things are as good as you thought they'd be.

On that note; Remember our Words of Wisdom:

Don't drive drunk!
Don't drink and drive"
Don't got to eBay, Amazon, or use MS Edge Shopping all buzzed up because you think you're going to get the latest and coolest stuff...You're probably not.

In the meantime, Bottoms Up & Later Dudes!

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