Helping kids to set and keep goals | Austyn buys a new bike

5 years ago

We've been working really hard to fight our children's entitlement. Austyn decided he wanted a new bike, because the bike we had purchased him a few years ago has not been taken care of very well, and the alignment was off, the breaks didn't work anymore and it had been damaged.

We made it very clear that this was his bike, and if he wanted another one HE had to find work, and earn it.

With the help of a wonderful woman in our neighborhood Austyn went to work faithfully and worked diligently.

We are strong believers in allowing our children the opportunity to work towards what they want and earn it themselves. We don't ever want to rob our children of the amazing feeling of setting a goal, working towards it, and accomplishing it. If we provide our children with everything that they want that is essentially what we're doing-robbing them of the learning experience and the feeling of accomplishment.

We are a large family of 8. Two adults, and six kids. Our channel is all about large family life, homeschool, christian lifestyle, and finding the blessings in everyday.

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