Worship Service 7:00pm 4/10/2020 - Good Friday / Tenebrae Service

4 years ago

The Rev. Scott Johnson, Senior Pastor
The Rev. Anton Lagoutine, Assistant Pastor

Opening Hymn: LSB #425 "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
Solo: "When Ten Thousand Angels Cried" performed by Valerie Smith
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 53:2-12
Response Hymn: "The Old Rugged Cross"
The Words of Jesus from His Cross:
I - "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"
Reading Luke 23:34 Pastor Scott Johnson
II - "Truly I say to You, today you will be with me in Paradise"
Reading Luke 23:43 Pastor Anton Lagoutine
III - "Women - Behold your Son...Son - Behold your Mother"
Reading John 19:26-27 Pastor Eric Hollar
IV - "My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?"
Reading Matthew 27:46 Pastor Scott Johnson
V - "I Thirst"
Reading John 19:28 Vicar Morgan Lane
VI - "It is Finished"
Reading John 19:30 Pastor Eric Hollar
VII - "Father into thy hands I commit My Spirit"
Reading Luke 23:46 Pastor Anton Lagoutine

All rights to music have been authorized by the following:

St. John's Lutheran Church
2126 St Johns Church Rd
Conover, NC 28613

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