The New Church Where All Degrees Of Evil are Okay

1 year ago

God is quickly turning the church world over to a reprobate mind.

Their minds no longer grasp the spiritual because God has removed that ability. Reprobate minds do not and cannot see the revealed mind of truth or God in the Bible. It is all a blur. “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” (Romans 1:28)

Signs of a New Church World

• Preaching is academic teaching

• The atmosphere is entertaining

• There are no standards on moral issues

• Transgender is okay

• Sodomy is no longer sin but choice

• The Bible calls it apostasy

• The devil loves it

• Worldly people love it

• It cannot go in the Rapture

• It will be heartbreaking on the day after the Rapture

There is a strange and mystical spirit which governs the whole life of the new church world, especially the mega churches. It is impossible to read the Bible and not see the total disconnection between Bible Christianity and the new church syndrome. “Take up your cross and follow me,” as Jesus said, just does not fit the Sunday morning (The newest thing now is Saturday night.) meetings of these mass churches. Please do not confuse this article with the possibility that a good church should not grow big. There is a difference today in the mega church development and in the fact that there have been and still are good churches that have become very large and effective for the gospel, especially in other countries.
• Everything is relative

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