Recipe no. 6. Tartare of cod ceviche in white wine and dill

2 years ago

This was one of my favourite recipes. The white wine and dill really bring out the flavour of the cod which otherwise would be a bit bland.

A new recipe will be uploaded EVERY DAY so make sure you subscribe. The recipes are all Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") legal. French professor of medicine Dr. Seignalet put 91 chronic, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with his diet.

You can read more about the Seignalet diet on my site: or watch my introduction to L'alimentation ou la troisième médecine which I translate as Nutrition - the third medicine, here:

The above is the bland description you will find on my youtube channel. Now for the real message which would get me an immediate ban on youtube. (I already have 2 warnings). People are now waking up to these facts: 1. The mRNA jabs are meant to kill us. 2. Covid and the jabs are bio-weapons. 3. They were deliberately and carefully engineered as part of a conspiracy to get rid of us "the useless class" by our masters the billionaire class. As Edward Snowden says, "We no longer have a leash on our government" (s). They are doing the bidding of the Rockefellers and Gates and other billionaire hangers on. (They always have been controlled by the bankers). Our governments are waging war on us.

Our first duty in order to thwart their plans and resist the tyranny is to reverse the effects of the jab and get the junk out of our bodies and recover our health. Vibrant health is the best revenge.

The Seignalet diet is just one part of my protocol to recover. To see the full protocol go to

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