trikafta log 2020.01.28.2131

4 years ago

i didn't make a log this morning, i left at around 6, rushing out the door to make sure i had everything i needed. we got to the city in roughly 5 hours, which means i was almost two hours early. mother and i went for a walk in the green belt uphill of ucsf on parnasuss. i took my lung function test and for the first time i finished without ever coughing. last visit my fev1 was 72 percent which is an improvement from the visit before, this time it was 81 percent. all of my doctors were happy to hear that, but were equally concerned that i've been having issues with anxiety and disassociation. i have a number to call that will set me up with a therapist, and hopefully that will be a positive step in the right direction. as for right now. i've done albuterol i've taken my evening trikafta and i'm anxious to get to bed. in the past 28 hours or so i've gotten less than four hours of sleep.

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