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15 seconds

Cross and Baseball Bat Chokes Galore

5 years ago

The cross choke and baseball bat choke are fundamentally the same submission. They only differ in one specific way. They use different initially grip configurations. Other than that, the chokes are the same.

And in the video, you'll see many different quick demonstrations of cross chokes and baseball bat chokes. Hopefully, it will inspire you to include more of these submissions in your game.

S U B S C R I B E:
🔔 https://www.youtube.com/KennethBrown

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📰 https://newsletter.kennethbrownbjj.com/subscribe

W E B S I T E S:
🌐 Kenneth Brown BJJ: https://www.kennethbrownbjj.com
🌐 2nd Gear BJJ: https://www.2ndgearbjj.com
🌐 BJJ Canvas: https://www.bjjcanvas.com

C O N T A C T:
📧 kenneth@kennethbrownbjj.com


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