162.5 Kgs x 7 Deadlift

1 year ago

I was in a bit of a rush, today. However, the warm ups felt good, so I felt like I would have done half decently. The first 4 to five reps in this set went fine, but I just seemed to get completely gassed from then onwards, and the seventh rep ended up being an absolute GRINDFEST; which I was not expecting. It may have been from residual fatigue, and just not being peaked, as this is my first week of the new cycle. Still, seven reps with this weight is certainly better than what I did last cycle, and only one under my all time best of eight reps. It probably was not the best idea to have done such a grindy set, but I did not expect it would go this way, hahaha. Hopefully it will not affect my training too much, going forward.

Song: "Decimate the Weak" - Winds of Plague

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Rumble: LiberPrimus


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