Recipe no. 3. Celeriac (celery root) with garlic mayonnaise (fancy French name: "remoulade")

2 years ago

A new Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") legal recipe will be uploaded EVERY DAY. You can see more about the Seignalet diet here: or watch my introduction to the Seignalet diet here:

This is part of my survive the jab protocol. Studies are showing that in all those who have been jabbed, their cells have been turned into spike protein factories causing micro clots throughout their blood vessels and damaging the endothelium (lining of arteries, veins, blood/brain barrier). The spike protein is a toxin. The more jabs you have the more damage is done to your immune system. Follow my protocol to get the junk out of your body and recover vibrant health. That will be our revenge. The covid pseudopandemic is a scam from the billionaire class to kill us all off. They want to replace us with robots.

If you know someone who has been severely injured by the jab, point them to and ask them to upload their story of recovery using my protocol.

If you know of someone with stiff joints, or neuropathy or even Bell's Palsy or Guillan Barre, point them to my cabbage leaf wrap spike protein detox video. It costs nothing to try and there are no side effects. They will see immediate results, like in the video.

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