5 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches on 02-29-2020.


Verses: Hebrews 9:23; Isaiah 44:22; Zechariah 12; 1st Peter 2:4-5; Ephesians 2:20-22



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There can be no understanding of the heavenly tabernacle without the understanding of the earthly tabernacle (this Epistle in particular should inspire all to study the Old Covenant). The earthly copy; which is highlighted by the Holy Spirit in chapters 7 - 11, (it being the pattern presented) for the purpose of drawing and attracting our attention to the original in Heaven.

The 16th chapter of Leviticus and the Day of Atonement with its blood offering presented in the Holiest Place is brought into view in the opening verses of chapter 8. The realities reflected in the ancient rituals are brought to the forefront in Paul’s revealing argument of the heavenly tabernacle. Where he now begins to pull back the curtain of revelation as to the deeper meanings of the Mosaic priesthood and the tabernacle’s tri-part construction. That is in the shadowing of the High-Priesthood of Jesus Christ in Heaven’s tabernacle, Who and where having once and for all put away sin’s curse inherent to all mankind, being Adam’s seed, by the one time atonement cleansing application of His Own Blood upon the heavenly things (9:23) that now He may mediate and intercede in the power of that Atonement.

The essential principle to a Christian that is being presented here is to know Jesus Christ, where He is now, at the right hand of the throne of His Majesty and in what great capacity, and that in the greater depth of our understanding, that we might open our hearts unto Him. That is to say as an example, a man does not “trust” another man naturally, but over time in close relationship he learns that he may trust that man. That is, he relaxes his fears and defenses and opens his heart to him; trusts him. So it is, in simple terms, Christ ever liveth, tirelessly, passionately giving Himself freely to maintain communion relationship with you. On the one hand, wooing you and on the other hand, defending you, that you may finally truly know Him. That is to say; open your heart fully to Him. This is the trust/faith that allows Him to finish the defining work on your sin nature, that He began in you with the atonement gift of the divine nature.

Hebrews 8:1-2 opens with the introducing of the heavenly character or nature of the Priesthood as contrasted with the type, the more familiar earthly priesthood of Moses. “We (Christians now) have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty….” (Some who scoff at the reality of a literal throne in heaven with a literal right and left side, have forgotten that Jesus is resurrected in a body, albeit spiritual, yet tangibly real and visible in time and space, and is returning in like manner as He ascended (Acts 1:9) in the Son of Man’s body. (Matthew 26:64) Who now in the heavens; (a) minister (He being now wholly engaged, in this the Age of grace and mercy, with the putting away of the sin nature in those who would inherit glory in His coming kingdom) of the sanctuary (the Holiest place; that which is represented in Moses’ most inner place of the tabernacle as the Holy of Holies) of the true (the original as opposed to Moses’ tabernacle copy) which the Lord pitched (*pitched with a view of it being portable) and not man (Moses in particular who pitched the movable tent in the wilderness).

That Heavenly Tabernacle was created by God and was necessary for Created beings that they might congregate together, in time and space with their Creator.

(*It is not hard to see that this original Tabernacle, like its copy, was made portable by God, as seen in Ezekiel 1:4-28 & chapter 10 where when we compare to what John saw in Revelation chapters 4 & 5, he being caught up into the heavens associated with this World to see the prophetic happenings there in the end times, it then becomes evident that this place, its throne and its players are the same in these passages and are within the moveable Tabernacle wherein judgments are determined and pronounced, and it is what Job 1:6 may also reflect.This heavenly Temple Tabernacle, then moved within the first heaven, is replaced 1000 years later. “Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power…Death is swallowed up in Victory (1st Corinthians 15:24, 54-55 with Revelation 20:9,10,14) As this Tabernacle journeyings are over, God’s Salvation plan, the restoration of all things....


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