Want More Power? (Two Cleat Positions to Respect!)

4 years ago

Channel Subscription: https://bit.ly/2Vfd4mO
FREE eBook Guide for Road Cyclists: https://www.camnicholls.com/free-guide
Read the article on the RCA : https://roadcyclingacademy.com/cleat-position-cycling/
About Neill Stanbury: https://neillsbikefit.com.au/

Cleat position for cycling! A super important factor for road cyclists to ensure they're not experiencing knee pain and other associated injury possibilities, but perhaps most interesting for most! Cyclists want to get faster and stronger on their road bikes and cleat position can play a critical factor. So, in this video today, a well-regarded bike fitter called Neill Stanbury talks to us about two critical factors when it comes to cleat position. All the way from where cleats should be placed to the impact it can have on power transfer into the pedal and throughout the bike.

#cycling #cleat #position

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