Why THIS Bike Fitter Stopped Using Motion Tracking Technology (the full discussion)

4 years ago

Channel Subscription: https://bit.ly/2Vfd4mO
FREE eBook Guide for Road Cyclists: https://www.camnicholls.com/free-guide
About Neill Stanbury: https://neillsbikefit.com.au/
A podcast that Neill did recently about bike fitting: https://rb.gy/tlo6un

2:58 Why Neill stopped using motion tracking tech
4:55 What does Neill's bike fitting process look like
8:16 What Neill identified with me and the corrections made
13:36 Why Neill is suggesting a different crank length
16:30 The inner soles Neill uses for road cycling and why
19:50 What happens after the bike fit has been completed / what's next?
21:32 Speedplay VS Shimano pedals
25:10 The fitting location- Cam's Cycling Collective

In today's video, I share the complete bike fitting discussion I had with Neill Stanbury. Neill talks about his bike fitting methods, including how he identifies issues with cyclists using a more old school method to determine discrepancies before he puts people on the bike to determine the best seat height, seat back, handlebar position and also setting up the feet/cycling shoes correctly with shims, inner soles etc. We also discuss Speedplay VS Shimano pedals in this video, before we wrap up discussing Cam's Cycling Collective.

#roadcycling #bike #fit

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