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2 years ago

1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QNBfNsJ5WhQw/
2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/bvCWSDw
3. https://ugetube.com/watch/OIPz4D8pYaGqmh9
4. https://tv.gab.com/channel/renaudonemillion/view/62de5d7043279af97e309da2
5. https://rumble.com/v1dmn53
Water is H2O, as in 2 atoms of Hydrogen, and 1 atom of Oxygen, all separately, in its pure form, highly explosive, and able to run a motor. Traditional energy companies, controlled by the fascist criminal cabal, have been trying to buy out every alternative energy research for years; So I wouldn't be surprise that they would try to eliminate researchers and inventors like Stan Meyer, for not selling out to them. This reminds me of how they harassed Nikola Tesla, even ran over him with a car. PS: If water powered cars really are possible, then the technology could also be used for electric generators, which would mean, bye bye electric grid, and hello energy independence, as in no more oil, coal, nuclear, or electric companies, and simple rain from the sky, or even desalted sea water, could at little cost, supply all our energy needs.

#WaterEngine #WaterCar #StanMeyer #Hydrogen #Oxygen #Fuel #WaterPoweredCar #WaterMotor #CleanEnergy #Electricity #Gas #EnergyIndependence


  • 0/2000
  • Stupid greedy inventors. Thinking "me me me" and not giving the technology away for free to humanity. He must have known what happened to Nicola Tesla and still went down the same road of satanic patents. The only positive thing about patents for humanity is that they contain raw blueprints so most of the work is already done if you can get your hands on them. Here is the patents from Stan Meyer that I found yesterday: https://patents.google.com/?inventor=Stanley+A.+Meyer Just search on "inventor name patents" and it pops up.

  • They invent excuses to why mainstream brainwashed scientists don't give it a serious chance. But the truth is they don't care about the truth or fixing real problems. They care most about their "reputation" and making big bucks. One of the scientists even mentioned profits being an important motivator to even look at it...greed is the worst human trait. It destroys everything in its vicinity.