How Much Do You Love Yourself?

2 years ago

I want to take you back to a teaching I created almost a year ago. As I venture down some teachings about our emotions and its effect on our health, I think this video is worth a second listen or a first if you didn’t catch it when it was released last year.

As I continue discussing ways to build a strong and robust Immune System, you may ask what does loving yourself have to do with that? Join me as I shed some light on a very key topic to your health and well-being. You’ll also love my “Tip” because it ties it all in.

If you would like to talk and process some of this teaching, then let’s have a 30-Minute Free Call to begin that journey of freedom, peace, and joy.

Essential Oils for Emotional Support

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The following teaching offering information on Health and Wellness is created for educational purposes only.

This information is not implying that it is a substitute for, nor replace professional medical advice or prior diagnosis and treatments.

If you have any concerns or questions about your health, seek a TRUSTED healthcare professional. Do not delay in getting medical advice because of something you have learned from this teaching.

What is being presented, is to help you begin doing your research along with a TRUSTED healthcare professional. Using any information in this teaching is solely at your own risk.

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