great white shark smashes through dive cage

2 years ago

great white shark smashes through dive cage
This is the terrifying moment a huge great white shark smashed through a diver's cage, forcing the man to frantically swim for his life as it missed him by inches.

Shocking underwater footage showed that Jimi Partington was lucky to escape alive, after the small opaque box he was inside capsized as the 16-foot beast lunged at him from below - leaving him exposed to further attacks.
Part of the box was submerged, allowing the expert diver to peer down into the depths without having to be fully underwater himself.

The footage begins with Partington crouched at the bottom cage while in full diving gear, including a snorkel and flippers. Unlike typical shark diving cages that are made from metal and lowered into the water, Partington's protective cage appears to be made from some type of strong plastic.

Drone footage from above the cage shows the shark arrive, swimming ominously around Partington as he watches from above. It can be seen extremely clearly through the water.
Another camera, this time under the surface, shows the shark as it begins to circle the cage. At first, the shark appears more interested in the fish swimming below the tank than it is in Partington.

However, the huge ocean predator begins to circle closer and closer to the see-through cage, and Partington looks very small compared to the beast.

Soon, the shark turns its attention to the diver in the cage. It swims at the cage a couple of times, veering off at the last minute, as if to size up its prey.
At this point in the footage, Partington can be seen kneeling up in the enclosure, and appears both startled and amazed by how close the shark came.

But he could not have been prepared for what happened next.

Making another approach from below the cage, the shark suddenly accelerates. When it reaches Partington, it clamps its huge jaw around the box, and appears to both break it open and cause it to capsize.

Partington is tipped into the water, sending him into a panic as he tries to climb back onto the cage away from the terrifying predator.

Unable to climb back on, and with the shark still circling, the diver decides to make a break for it, swimming as fast as he can away from the box back to the boat.

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