Vaccinate or Vacate: Divine (v.t.) Comity

1 year ago


While State Attorney Generals from Missouri and Louisiana are presenting subpoenas to Dr. Fauci and the CDC to seek violations of the First Amendment, it is public knowledge that the CDC revised guidance on the risk of infection from contact with contaminated surfaces on April 7, 2021 and delayed in providing updated guidance to churches that had declared themselves nonessential during a reported once in a lifetime pandemic.

"Long in the making", according to the Pew Research Center, the "Religious Restriction Project" engaged in collection on only the 318,000 Christian churches before the pandemic and knew that only 20% had an online capability to use when the pandemic arrived, knew that the signature conduct of a person departing the faith was a break in attendance, and knew the exact words to use to target members of specific denominations, and, at least according to Sun Tsu, the general who plans is always better prepared for battle than the general who makes little plans or plans not at all, just as Jesus told his disciples that he sent them as sheep amongst wolves.

Will churches raise a valid claim under the FACE Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 248(a)(2), having had access to places of worship unlawfully blocked? Will they notice Dr. Fauci even now backing away from his claims that a novel coronavirus was zoonotically evolved?

During pandemic, the faith community that had lost 12% over the past decade lost six percent more to "nones", while The Satanic Temple topped over 700,000 registered members, larger than Unitarian Universalists, and gained recognition by American courts and the IRS as a "church", and perhaps even with Congressman Don Beyer, Jr., joining the "atheist club" in Congress, and expressing his pride that his four children have rejected God, church and religion, members of the faith community, woke as they claim, remain asleep in the faith to their own road to extinction.

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