Emuna is our Future with Real Happiness to #StayHome!

4 years ago

Click, Watch, Comment kindly & Share - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=576144712999429&id=132606533481945

Wishing us all strength and joy to go ahead, here is some more #EmunaMusic with our live #EmunaClass & audio #EmunaPodcast - https://anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/episodes/Emuna-is-our-Future-with-Real-Happiness-to-StayHome-ec531s on all our #BreslevEnglish platforms bH - Our #Emuna Flow is on the struggle we are all having with the #CoronaVirusChallenge & some real tools to keep hopeful with real change - by Eli Goldsmith

- Also, sharing a free old Album - Together - 2001! Click, Together & Share - https://anchor.fm/eligoldsmith/episodes/Unity-Flow---Eli-Goldsmith---Album---Together---2001-ec45ej Enjoy our 2001 Album Together by Eli Goldsmith! With the #CoronaVirus #Inspired #Struggle we wanted to wish you all a #happyPesach!

Enjoy our #UnityMusic to bring a little inspiration for #Passover2020! For your #EmunaContent Eli.Goldsmith@breslev.co.il & #UnityContent email UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com :) #unitybookings!

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