Join My Community: I Created A Carnivore Group on Locals

2 years ago

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I have been struggling with how to best be available to the community but also be true to the time I can dedicate away from my job and my family. Instagram and Youtube comments make it a challenge to communicate effectively and it also doesn't help foster a community. My hope for this space in Locals is to create a place where I can provide exclusive content but where you can also be a support for each other.

My favorite part of in-person Meat-Ups is meeting like-minded people in my area who are going through the same things as me. Here we can start that process virtually. There are so many times on this journey when I felt very alone, and it is the people I have met on the internet that have helped me most along the way. The people in this group are likely eating a similar way and struggling with similar things. My hope is to create a community for like-minded people to share, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable. It's like a private Facebook group but for people who are super committed (and without all the crazy of Facebook).

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

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