comedy always starts with failure (how you handle failure measures strength)

2 years ago

attention-deficit audience
w/out the internet i wouldn't have...
can't complain w.out getting called a hater
hypocrite just cos you notice shit
a mercedez is always a good thing
plz sing to a state trooper
what would cops do if you just started singing to em
driving wrecklessly *probably
why do i have to wear my seatbelt
damnity damn this is funny now (for those of you that already know about my car wreck)
kimmie is brilliant but she said that shit (we all say dumb shit)
maybe i underestimate myself
keep on using props, there's always a joke there
strength made perfect in weakness, Jesus said that to paul
a lot like dt in that way
my appeal gets me in a lot trouble
that was the sound of trouble
"career in art" hahahahaha
a lotta artists are drug addicts
just outta spite...this is not the same plant!
indica strains will knock you out
never trust govt regulations

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