1 year ago

he name of Jesus Christ has more enemies than ever in human history. America’s left leaning crowd is in rebellion more over Christian values than any other ideas. Any pictures of the protestors and anti-Trump expressions are not just ugly but pure evil. There is no way to describe them but anti-Christian.

The devil is having a field day because he and his crown see the Biblical handwriting on the wall. It is a battle between Biblical values and the anti-Christ kingdom.

The Antichrist is taking over churches.

Grace Only
A church without the Cross
A church without an altar
A church with a corrupt Bible; the pulpit is center to Christ church
A church without a standard of Biblical living
The transformation of music to contemporary: loud and possessing, jungle rhythms, generic words, impossible to connect until there is a transformation in the listener, feeds the flesh or soul, Jesus God are lovers not sovereign
Book of Revelation ignored, down-played, or rejected

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